Hello, everyone!

In this post I am going to evaluate the second speech given at our Public Speaking class. In fact, it was an on-line performance on the Zoom platform (due to the lockdown). Nevertheless, it was comfortable to listen to the speaker. 

Polina spoke about the importance of being able to listen. 

So here is my evaluation of the performance:

Very effective
(10, 9, 8)
(7, 6, 5)
Not effective
 (4, 3,2, 1)
Max points
My points
What technique(s) was used in the introduction?
Polina used a rhetorical question as an attention-getter: "Do you think, I am here to speak?"  Moreover, she highlighted the importance of being effective listeners and made it clear for the audience.
Any link-element?
Polina referred to the topic she was going to talk about further. Apart from this, she mentioned all the aspects she was going to cover in her speech:
"That’s why today I would like to talk to you about effective listening. We’ll find out:
1. Why is it difficult to listen?
2. What are the deadly habits of listening?
3. What listening styles do we use?

4. What strategies can help us listen effectively".
Was the thesis statement given?
The thesis was given: "Listening is as important as speaking".
How effective was the introduction?
The intruduction was effective, she made the audience involved in her speech by reffering to us as listners and underlining that the topic is relevant for us. 
How well structured was the information presented?
The speech was well-structured. Each part conveyed a certain idea. Their succession was logical.

What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech?
Polina's speech was well-organized. She used outlining and organizational patterns.
How understandable was the information (was it   clearly explained)?
The information was clearly explained. It was understandable
Quality of point-support (appropriateness, completeness, variety)
The point-support in Polina’s speech was appropriate and suitable as she kept on developing the main thought.
Use of facts, illustrations, examples, stories.
There were facts and illustrations used in Polina’s speech to support the topic.
Was it coherent?
To my mind, it was quite coherent. The parts of the text succeeded each other logically, they were linked with each one.
What technique(s) was used in the conclusion?
A rhetorical question. 
Were all the steps followed (summary, action, emotional appeal?)
In the conclusion Polina summarized the points of her topic. She concluded her speech with a message to the audience: "If you want to be a better friend, learn more things, be able to think better, take more advantage of communication, be successful at work, encourage other people, lead them through their speeches - being an effective listener can help". 
How effective was the conclusion?
It was effective.
Total points

The performance made a good impression on me. The way she presented her topic was influential and inspiring, even though the speech was informative and didn't suppose to have an emotional appeal.

All in all, I think that Polina's performance was a good example of an effective public speech. 
She's done it great. The speech was a success.


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